Welke invloed heeft voeding op het ontstaan van darmkanker?

Sneller naar huis na een keizersnede

Visitors should report to the entrance of the ICU / CCU department (route 1F) by using the intercom to the right of the access doors. One of our staff members will open the door for you. The ICU / CCU can be a hectic department, so please wait for a few moments.
Visiting hours, daily from 11:00 – 12:00 am and 17:30 – 19:30 pm.
If the situation requires a longer visit or you want to visit at different times, please inform the nurse caring for your loved one. We will assess together what is desirable and possible. Also, please consult us if you wish to stay overnight or if you like to bring small children.
We kindly ask you to limit visits at the patient’s bedside to a maximum of 2 people for half an hour, to ensure the peace and comfort of your loved one and the other patients. If there are more visitors, you can take turns.
Phone use – The use of mobile phones is only permitted if your phone is on silent mode.
Contact – You can always contact us by calling +31 0495 - 572500 to inquire about the condition of your loved one. We can only provide information about your loved one to the first listed contact person.
When the nursing shifts change, it may be inconvenient to call. These times are:
06:45 – 07:30 am / 14:15 – 15:30 pm / 22:30 – 23:15 pm.
If you wish to speak the attending physician about your loved one, please ask the nurse responsible for the care of your loved one. The nurse will arrange an appointment.
For more information, such as which doctors and specialists are involved, we refer to our website:
- ICU / CCU brochure (in dutch): Afdeling intensive care ICU / CCU
- ICU / CCU department (in dutch): Verpleegafdeling 1 ICU / CCU